Thursday, March 29, 2007

Siruvani storage level fast depleting

Mayor R. Venkatachalam has appealed to the city's residents to use drinking water judiciously during summer.

Fast depleting

Mr. Venkatachalam told reporters that water levels in the two major reservoirs, Siruvani and Pilloor, were fast depleting.

Siruvani storage

The Siruvani storage stood at 871.49 m (last year at this time it was 872.75 m). As against the requirement of 75 mld (million litres per day), the city is getting only 73 mld. Pilloor supply is 60 mld against the requirement of 64 mld.

To overcome the shortfall, the Corporation has begun digging borewells in every ward for supply of hard water for purposes other than drinking water. Stringent action would be taken against water theft using motor pumps from main pipelines. Those found drawing more water would face disconnection of supply without any prior notice besides legal action, the Mayor said. Those penalised for these offences would not be able to avail new connection or a reconnection immediately.


The Corporation was also evolving a mechanism wherein the ward councillors would join the water supply engineers in patrolling residential areas to detect theft of water using motor pumps.

The public could inform about water thefts at the Mayor's office at 0422-2395884. Identity of the informant would be kept confidential, he said.

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