While analysing the details of the visitors to the Coimbatore city news blog, we observed that increasingly more number of users are landing here with search keywords "Dayanidhi maran buys out Karunya college", "Karunya engineering college sold to Dayanithi maran", "Marans buy a college in coimbatore", "Karunya university sold" etc. We couldn't confirm yet if this a real news or just rumour. We would highly appreciate if readers share, with whatever information they have on this news in the comment section.
UPDATE on 27/10/2010: We have got unconfirmed but reliable news that Paul Dinakaran has indeed decided to move and settle permanently in Canada.
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Karunya university was really sold to kalanidhi maran for 3000 crores.....I really don't know why dr.Dinakaran did like this......Any god only knows what s behind this......
Even if we assume that the university is sold, 3000 crores seem to be unrealistic.
don know really... once Paul anna said in morning counselling that those kinds are rumors and not to believe in such things...of course that was b4 2 or 3 months... but don know whats really happening,,, i ve just completed my degree Information technology in karunya... and.. one thing is... u knw.. there is an important dept called DoVE - in Karunya.. it is for managing the spiritual activities of the campus.. but now they have removed that...don know why? and also lots of administration changes are being done... but still i'm having the doubt how can Paul anna hand over such a gr8 institution all of a sudden.. let it be a rumor for ever.. lets pray nothing bad will happen to Karunya..
Dont believe any rumours abt karunya university. its gods intitution. you can feel the presence of god here.
Karunya is "Gods Institute"!!!!C'mon guys pl. grow up.
Paul D. will get very rich if Maran buys it.Lets see how much of that money he will spend in "gods' work.
Now since the DOVE department has been closed down...shows that the spiritual activities have been stopped...So there is a good chance that the University has been sold to some outsider...
wat ever may happen i am ready to face. But something has to be answered... by Dr paul
Why DOVE is closed?
Why Anish sir was sent back inspite he was doing well?
Why everyone is quite?
I am a student of Karunya University. As far as I know, Karunya University CANNOT be sold to any private individual. Firstly, the university was started with a God given initiative. No one can oppose God. Secondly, Dr. Paul Dhinakaran was the one who laid the foundation of this university after years of hard work and toil. I don't think he will accept a few thousand crores for something that took so much effort and 4 something that does not belong to him (no human being can). Thirdly, there is no proof to substantiate the rumors that the university has been sold. If it were actually sold, the purchaser should have come forward. Lastly, many such rumors have been spread in the past. None of them have proved to be true.
I am a former student of karunya university,Dr diankaran was indeed a good man with divine vision from god.But for Paul Dinakarn everything is bussiness.Once you studied in karunya u can understand these things.
Dear Alwyn..
r u giving witness signature wen deed was made...dont post idiotic comments...
dear alwyn..
are you giving witness signature when deed was made??...
it its not sold guys.
i am a student...
Karunya will never be sold...
If that happenes that will be the last day of KARUNYA.....
All that Karunya bothers about is the Money...they get money...they can do anything for it...Not sure if it has already been sold..but there is a very high probability that it might happen...if they see business in it...
Hey Alwin.... If it has been sold for 3000 crores....!!!!!!!!!!!1 its a BIG deal dude..... Its profit for PAUL/.... He can start two more colleges like karunya..... dot bother abt this.....ok..... Paul is a talented Guy in managing peopole.... Even if he sells "It is for the goodness of karunya"........... Dont make this a big issue.....
hi guys am a karunyan and am cent percent sure that karunya has not been sold out..coz sis evangeline gave her life for karunya..nd karunya is a place of god ...i hope nothing happens to our karunya..
What a bunch of losers we have in Coimbatore and Tamilnadu. Dinakaran following Oral Roberts got in to the education business by raising capital from his stupid cult worshipping followers. You losers call him God's man, and his daughter gave her life for this university...you are all morons. No wonder I see people who completed degree at KIT are such stupid idiots in real world life. Paul certainly sees a business objective in it and will sell it if he thinks thats the right thing to do for him and his family. He is planning to settle down in Canada. This preaching business wont fly high in this facebook era...
Get growing guys...think like humans...apply common sense.
being a proud alumni of karunya,i really feel pity on Mr.Marthandam Christian 4 makin such immature comments on a renowned person like Late Mr.Dhinakaran, i can cite numerous examples of ex-karunyans who are serving esteemed organisations in different parts of the world..please follow the basic ethics when you express your feelings..
Praise God.. All the above rumours are false... Karunya is blooming once again under God's vision... keep praying. Lets forget the past and move on focusing on what has ahead of us especially soul transformation within the campus - Emmanuel Joy B.E(I.T) Karunya, currently doing M.Tech Mutlimedia technology again in Karunya.
All things work for Good for those who love the Lord.
No more rumours..dove is still active. karunya is not sold. 100% true !
I feel pity about the Marthandam Christian. These People used to say something and follow different thing. Geeting Dowri in Crores and for same thing Condemning other for such action. You please better make your self correct. Don't bother about Paul Dhinakaran. God might be having different plans in karunya and paul Dhinakaran which might not be understandable by me and other people. Still I dont know whether it is sold or not. But it will not bother me and the people who blogged here. Since The king's heart is in the hand of the LORD, as the rivers of water: he turneth it whithersoever he will. People please dont bother...
Hey Marthandam Christian, your ancestors were a bunch of rejected downtrodden palmyra climbers. God out his love & mercy have saved you. You guys, desecendants are the same. A pig will remain a pig for ever. Even if you clean it & put in a palace.
Even if the news is true, can't you show maturity for another Christian?
F*** U Marthandam Christian!! ur telling as if u exchanged the deal..
1)My drear friends who all have commented here i would like to say you all that "nobody is perfect" in this world so why are we wasting our time in blaming others.
2)KARUNYA UNIVERSITY is not a small thing and even if it is sold whats our look out in this, are we gaining any profit?
3)if it is sold or not whatever it might be but the truth will never die
4)why we are in hurry to know about this let that come on its way
5)my dear friend as we are in india so i fill that we have speech rights so i request you not to abuse on others comment, if we fell that his/her statement is wrong please let him/her know that there statement is wrong.
Karunya Cant be Sold anyway. But kalanadhi maran was trying his best to get karunya.And there was rumors saying,1."Dr Paul is shifting to Canada for ever".2.There will be no spiritual messages during morning assembly.All this rumors were utter rubbish.
Change is for good !!! whatever.. move on guys.. DOES IT MAKE A DIFFERENCE NOW!! shit institute with bullshit guidlines to follow which are not worthy whatsover.. Follow that, follow this, boys & girls different lines.. common.. we dont fuck in streets.. do we??? think over.. just by enforcing some guidlines , an individual do not become a perfect person. it should come from within.. i too studied there.. thank god i am out of there...
I can't beleive this that dhinakaran did like this.
guys dont beleive the rumours the karunya is not sold.
Marthandam Christian is sharp and precise with his opinion. Most of you cannot digest it because most of you are used to sugar coated lies. I do not know if the institute is sold or not, because I am not an insider. But I can tell from my common knowledge and common sense that it is possible for him to sell it off if he wanted to.
But by doing so mr Paul will defy the purpose and vision upon which the institute is founded . The capital for that establishment was raised purely by charity donations. I remember they requested donations even at/for the funeral of Dgs Dinakaran. That was a bit difficult to digest. mr Paul does not have enough money for his father funeral?
One message to mr Paul if you are reading this. If you are really planning to sell the college, count my donations as investments and send us our dividends.
Even if karunya is sold to well-heeled politicians we are not going to bother. what troubles us is the way karunya founded by the great man of god is being ruined by the false prophet of this century, Paul dhinakaran. Please remember the fact that even Jesus calls employees have contempt for paul dhinakaran. You should read the letters Dr.D.G.S.Dhinakaran wrote to the former VC about his own son paul dhinakaran. the world will be shocked. Shame on you paul dhinakaran, the greatest fraud of this century. You shout from platforms that jesus calls ministry thrives on the small donations the poor offer you every day but what luxurious life u and ur children lead. u spent the entire 2010 in Canada with ur wife and children.whose money is that paul dhinakaran? r u cheating the gullible who send donations carried away by your messages of love?If u r that truthful why dont you toil, sweat as the poor indians do and buy palatial buildings in canada? r u making fun of us, u chiseller? can u announce in jesus calls meetings that you didnot take even a single pie as donation from us,the students, all these years? u forced students and their poor parents to give lakhs and lakhs of rupees as donation for a seat. where did that money go paul dhinakaran? was that money taxed by the government, paul? or u hid that in ur trouser pocket for all ur deceitful activities? Very soon the government will be aware of all ur hidden activities, Christians will unmask you Mr.Paul.Through this blog answer us: where did u get the money from to spend in canada? Shall we publish the number of days you spent in canada with your family under the guise of educating your children? You know very well that god-fearing christians hate you like anything. The recent meeeting in tirunelveli will be a testimony to that, u hypocrite.
IF Any Organization grows Rapidly, few people's stomach burns, and they cant stop it, cause Karunya is protected By Sweet JESUS, hence all they can do u, create rumours.
"Let those who want to be holy become holy and let those who want to be unholy become unholy" -Revaluation
Loosers, u ll never stop commenting.
One day, U ll know ur mistakes..
But Come to christ while there is still time :)
JESUS rocks!!!
hold ur tongue marthandam christians.. Not that paul s all that great... I agree to all comments given to mr. Paul as a hypocrite.. But dare u mess with christanity..
Karunya University is now just another institution which focous on the money ... there was a vision for buildin such a institute then why
1)ppl are asked to pay huge capitaition
2)have u ever noticed poor people learning in this institute
3)why so drastic increase in tution fees (nothing is for free ,yet you can use the tax free offering to educate poor)
4)why there are so much partiality on education (if u r in dove u pass how stupid u are is not a matter) punishing a person by marks or suspension is not a way of changing ones behaviour or attitude god asked to show love to everyone
5)why there are lot of corroupt ppl(remember me paying a hefty mess fee coz of a good christian masked theif dnt get my dads money back)
6)why students,staff,officials are not bold enough(if yes not allowed) to question things
7)why there is no standard in the quality of teaching
I beg you karunyans to be humans first then preach the relegion
Jesus told to with humbleness and humanity... an alcoholic will never change for a 15 day suspension but i hope a little care love affection can change him
best quote of the university
"Gods own university and devils own students"
Ps: i was a student of karunya , was a bad person yet a beliver in god, punished by the academic rules, low marks in subject for smoking and drinking habits which i got addicted to and thought of givin out in the gods college which was a nightmare,lost my belief in ppl seeing lot of fake christians just for the respect and mark
Dear christians, please read II peter, chapter 2, verse 1. Paul is the right example for that.
Its actually sold to Kanimozhi last year. The Spectrum money is involved.
pls don't say what you are not sure of. It is God's university, it won't go away from the hands of God's saints.
I hope that KARUNYA is not sold to any political party.KARUNYA should not be sold in any cause.It is GOD's place.so,whoever comments about KARUNYA without knowing the truth,they have to face the consequences.
Lord I dont trust man we trust in you . you know all truth whether paul uncle is honest or not we believe its your ministry father so please save karunya if its righteous help paul uncles family to come out from this problem. Please save karunya from those devils.
Karunya may not have been sold as Mr. Paul Dinakaran is still involved in its activities. Of course, the luxurious kind of life that he leads is in stark contrast to the life that his followers live. I have visited Karunya and also talked to some of the students. I know that the students are not given good food and the hostels are dirty and not adequately furnished even though the fees are exorbitant and I have heard the rumour that once Paul's mother remarked that the students must suffer so that they learn the hardships of life just as Dr. Dinakaran did in his early days!
The campus is beautiful and I am sure that Paul would not relinquish his hold on 750 acres of prime, verdant land that will only appreciate in value as the years go by.
An interesting feature that you notice is the glorified portraits of the Dinakaran family adorning the walls of the hotel inside the campus like you see in palaces of Rajput Maharajas and business tycoons. It is a business empire that Paul Dinakaran is building in the name of God. You realize that selling God is the best business as it exploits the emotional and spiritual needs of desperate human beings looking for love and fulfilment. Jesus taught the concept of "servant leadership" when he washed the feet of the disciples. Also, Mark 10:41-44 reminds us:"Instead, whoever wants to become great among you must be your servant,and whoever wants to be first must be slave of all."
It has been said that a man cannot serve two masters and that you cannot serve God and Mammon(money) but ultimately it is money that rules this physical world. When preachers wax eloquent from the pulpits about the evils of money and that it is the root of all evil, they end their preaching by asking their followers to put as much as they can into the bag they pass around (offertory) and use emotional blackmail by quoting scripture again. Let's hope that the institution of Karunya University will one day be changed and live up to its name and show mercy and love to all instead of making self aggrandizement the prime reason for existence.
the guy who posted that karunya is sold is a perfect liar im studying in karunya there is nothing like that
ill tear the guy who posted this if he is caught on my hand
If it is sold why would he still advertise in his magazine and why are they celebrating 25th year celebration and they say that it has no donation this year.
I am A Christian.....University rank holder with Ph.D...... Worked as Assistant professor SG in Karunya...All the Students, Please dont go to Karunya University...Its a Fraud Institution...Dont Belive in Pauls word..everything for money...All the parents, once again think before going for admission in Karunya....Its a worst Institution i ever seen......your children’s will be good if you are not going to Karunya......
Shame on you paul dhinakaran, the greatest fraud of this century. You shout from platforms that jesus calls ministry thrives on the small donations the poor offer you every day but what luxurious life u and ur children lead. u spent the entire 2010 in Canada with ur wife and children.whose money is that paul dhinakaran? r u cheating the gullible who send donations carried away by your messages of love?If u r that truthful why dont you toil, sweat as the poor indians do and buy palatial buildings in canada? r u making fun of us, u chiseller? can u announce in jesus calls meetings that you didnot take even a single pie as donation from us,the students, all these years? u forced students and their poor parents to give lakhs and lakhs of rupees as donation for a seat. where did that money go paul dhinakaran? was that money taxed by the government, paul? or u hid that in ur trouser pocket for all ur deceitful activities? Very soon the government will be aware of all ur hidden activities, Christians will unmask you Mr.Paul.Through this blog answer us: where did u get the money from to spend in canada? Shall we publish the number of days you spent in canada with your family under the guise of educating your children? You know very well that god-fearing christians hate you like anything. The recent meeeting in tirunelveli will be a testimony to that, u hypocrite
i dint think so that karunya university sold to some body. it is just roomer, roomer,roomer.may be people dont like the university bacause of spiritual activities only done these roomers.
Go on....keep commenting on dis useless topic.....don't u people got any job?????
whether Sold or Not sold...
As long as u can hold ur standard, n stay good, nothin is gonna be wrong!
every1 cheer up!!!!
What if Paul Dinakaran was not really interested in selling off the college?
What if there was a political party was behind this episode and he was made to make this deal with them?
What if scenario can be many...i hate to point out Tamil Nadu is gettting to be dangerous place to be in.
Sathish from Dubai,
What I could see from the above conversation is the people who claim them as holy cows are the ones who have used derogatory words.
There is no smoke without fire. Paul Dhinakaran is not God and Karunya is not Paradise and Bethestha is the heavenly Jerusalem.
Folks, Read scripture and you will know who are false prophets.
They wear sheeps clothing like Paul but inside they are ravenous wolves.
Come on. Agitating against Paul is not against our dear Lord Jesus. It is out of the Zeal for our Lord Jesus, we have to expose Paul.
to tel u the truth. karunya is totally nothin about GOD. its all about money. nd no staff in karunya has a value called LOVE. KINDNESS. MERCY.UNDERSTANDING. I am a student of karunya and i have never seen such qualities in any staff. moreover if u are not a christian every staff in karunya wil make u suffer. i am a muslim and til nw i have suffered enough. if u r a north indian. u can feel openly how much karunya staff hates u. newyz ninan john destroyed the rest of my life nd my family. nd i can feel clearly the only reason was that bcoz i m a not a CHRISTIAN. god wil never forgive u karunya.
to tel u the truth. karunya is totally nothin about GOD. its all about money. Recently a rule came up in karunya that for every offence there is fine. nd no staff in karunya has a value called LOVE. KINDNESS. MERCY.UNDERSTANDING. Then what god are u talking about. How can we respect u. I am a student of karunya and i have never seen such qualities in any staff. moreover if u are not a christian every staff in karunya wil make u suffer. i am a muslim and til nw i have suffered enough. if u r a north indian. u can feel openly how much karunya staff hates u. newyz ninan john destroyed the rest of my life nd my family. nd i can feel clearly the only reason is that bcoz i m a not a CHRISTIAN. god wil never forgive u karunya. Every north indian can feel this inside but we canot speak out bcoz we are the 1 to be punished.
to tel u the truth. karunya is totally nothin about GOD. its all about money. nd no staff in karunya has a value called LOVE. KINDNESS. MERCY.UNDERSTANDING. I am a student of karunya and i have never seen such qualities in any staff. moreover if u are not a christian every staff in karunya wil make u suffer. i am a muslim and til nw i have suffered enough. if u r a north indian. u can feel openly how much karunya staff hates u. newyz ninan john destroyed the rest of my life nd my family. nd i can feel clearly the only reason was that bcoz i m a not a CHRISTIAN. gnd wil never forgive u karunya.
I am also an alumini of Karunya and have seen the true face of Paul, His father was indeed a man of god. All reverence for him,
Paul is just a business guy in the disguise of a Gods Man,
Ask the Students who paid, Donations, ask people, who were unable to pay their fees and they were asked to go back home. I was there when it was the message that if they cant pay let them not come.
I am really not sure if karunya wa ssold or not, but if its so he i am sure its the very god that he uses for his corrupt practise has given him a taste of what a god is capable of "basically a taste of his own medicine"
And to all the sympathisers " I was a true christian who lost all my flavor for christanity only because of people like you" and i am not sounding like a cynic, The Dove was the most biggest joke, a bunch of fakes, who wanted to get mileage among people used this as a platform to launch themselves. This was more of a social club under a religiuos curtain, having said this, there was a Dr... who was a very pious man who was ousted whena Dr B... bald from the garde city landed here. It should have been Love dept and not Dove
As a past karunya student I can very well say KARUNYA is a best institution for Christians and those who don't bother to follow christianity under compulsion and for others it may not be so. When karunya is sold to someone who won't follow any spritual obligations then The college will be a best college for everyone and While minding the buyer, seller and the amount - none of our arguement and comments will worth
pastor Lawrence Arumainayagam (senior Pastor Intouch Coimbatore)
Dear Friends I am closely associated with the Dhinakarans, Nodoubt his Late Dr DGS had a vision but for sure i know God would have not asked him to buid an educational Institution, how ever he wanted to bring his son into a business which would give some name and fame, as Dr paul is not an spiritual person < His father knew he would not able to shine in religious area he built karunya,I wonder why paul wants to put his shoes in spritual area as well in acadamic ??? Our church members have said how Paul secured his MBA degree and PHD.had not his father built his institution he would not qulaify to be even a lecturer in any college. my sincere advice to paul is please leave acadamic side and religion and enjoy the looted money which your father has gained through the inncent christians. We regreat for bringing samuel dhinakaran to our church,an imature boy.
Paul please dont take it personally try to correct your self and join with us in worship together we can build .....Amen
Guys, after a long time I went through this link today. I was surprised so many morons spat their venoms on me for stating the truth that the Dhinakarans are #1 cheating group in Tamilnadu. I am telling to all those who criticised me - Marthandam is a great place; we Christians from Marthandam are (of course we did tap the palm trees for living, I dont feel any shame for my forefathers doing that hard work) the result of the dedication of missionaries like Rev. Sinclair. We do not accept fake preachers like Dhinakarans. We are highly self esteemed and we follow Jesus. We do not care for the crap Paul and company gives to you all. I wish people from Marthandam STOP sending their kids to Karunya and stop giving money to Jesus Calls ministries.
People from in and around Marthandam are the grassroot supporters fo lot of missions going around India. Rather than criticising me, try to learn and understand what is truth and follow truth.
ok ppl i read wat u ppl wrote on dis page bout Karunya and it being sold
u know sumthing d instituion is a god place onli dat its run by dumbasses and assholes
d management survives coz off d threatening effect it has on students
but guess wat
d current third year students of KU held a protest a few days bak and made sure dat dis shitty effect is no more
if d college fears such a small scare from d media den it hides a loooot f things from us
dus it is easy to conclude dat d university has been sold
d rumor i heard was dat d university was sold 51% to stalin (a local minister)
but d rights of d university wer still wid Paul for 7 years
dis will explain d scraping off of d DOVE dept
plus wen dis was goin on i remember i was in first year and during my exam times dey came to our rooms and seized our cell phones
dat day we destroyed 2 hostels and dus intimidated dem resulting in d retrieval of our cellphones
all dis leads to d sign dat d university is sold
and plus i realised a sweet awesum fact dat u can scare d university jus by bringing in d media or a few lawyers to sue der asses
im a student at d university :P
Peace out
P.S. d talk about siritual shit is absurd
coz Paul comes in onli 1ce a year
and believe me i now hate d management der
1. Karunya - not sold to anybody. Board manages it. Paul D still the Chancellor (& also owner).
2. Paul D. - yes, he is now in Canada; not sure if it is a permanent settlement. But for quite sometime they haven't turned up here. Mrs. Stell Dhinakaran (wife of Late. Dr. DGS Dhinakaran) still lives in Chennai.
Above are facts & 99% correct to the best of my knowledge. And instead of debating what is good & what is bad, when it is not going to burn your belly - just sit & watch. If this/any institution is having good motives, it will cherish & will prevail over whatever obstacles that may come; if not it is going down. Some here got big mouth, really big-mouth. I wonder how they call themselves Christians ?? :(
Instead of judging one another & fighting over nothing, move on & do your work. If you are well-wisher, say a word of Prayer (I'm a well wisher & also alumnus of Karunya). If you are no way associated with Karunya - well you got more better jobs to do, then picking up a fight here. Cheers. Bye !
guys... karunya university is now & forever in the hands of the lord..its not sold bcoz God is ruling KARUNYA...
its not true..karunya universiy is not sold to anyone...its all fake news...for details visit karunya university homepage...there is letter by paul dhinkaran stating all these are rumours..
karunya is not sold..dese are all fake news..for any details visit karunya university site...n stop spreading rumours..
it is a terrible fake news... karunya is not sold... it can never be sold... some one is creating unnecessary stupid rumors
karunya is not sold to anyone... its a terrible fake news... some one is creating unnecessary mess...
Christians are always fools. DGS dinkakaran captivated audiences and played with human emotions and tone of singing. I went to one of the meeting at Bain school for praying for children who are going for public exams. you have to tell your children to work hard and study well. I went to Shenoy nagar csi church that time Karunakaran was the pastor and he collected money during the service for building Karunya university.
Recently i heard he packed up from canada to USA. He was not at all bothered about recent strikes in Karunya.Well he got all the money and it's look like he wants to hide from the public USA is a perfect haven for his family.
So far Karunya not been sold.
it is one of the best place for holistic education life.
but now a days there is lot of politics and some stupid people are ruling karunya. like registrar during 2008 - 2009 and some other converted christian (for money). also they don't basic courtesy with other humans. they want only to make profit.
working under such idiotic people is the biggest tragedy also they become great shiners of this world.
i like Christianity but i don't like christians those who do business like conversion for money.
If the Karunya rulers want only business they can do other business instead of doing education service. better they can sell out for money.
one of the victim from karunya.
everyone earns money for their family only. if no family no need of money.
but karunya rulers concept is they want only money and they won't worry about employees family situation and all.
thanks for this opp
admin stop spreading such wrong information.
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